arya dradjica's website

updated 2024-08-19

Hi there! I'm Arya. I like programming. This is my website.

Within programming, I have three big interests:

Outside of programming, I read a bit. The Lord of the Rings is by far my favorite piece of literature. I love the depth of Tolkien's universe and I'd love to create something like it myself. I also enjoyed the blend of fantasy and sci-fi in Dune, but it's missing Tolkien's mastery of words.

I occasionally write about myself, my projects, or crazy ideas I have. My blog provides an index of these posts. Shorter but more frequent posts are on my Mastodon account. You might also be looking for my SourceHut profile or my GitHub profile.

If you wish to contact me in the context of a specific project or topic, look for an e-mail address (e.g. in Git commit history) ending with Otherwise, reach out to me at my public address, but beware I get spam there too. Encrypt your communication to my PGP key if you can.